You're Watching That Again?!
You ever turn on a movie for the millionth time only to hear someone ask, "You're watching that again?!" Like they just can't comprehend how you could watch a movie again and again and still find something new to enjoy and laugh at the same jokes over and over again? Sometimes there are those movies that linger in your heart and you just can't get enough of them. Something you connect with and find comfort or joy in no matter how little others may enjoy said film.
That's what this blog is dedicated to. The films that have captured me and I find myself falling back to when I want a bit of comfort or a good laugh. Sometimes it's the actors that draw you to it. Sometimes it's the story. But all of these times it's one you never seem to tire of. It's a worthwhile watch every time. You might find something new you never noticed before, pick up on information left for you that you hadn't even realized was there until you've watched it the fifth, tenth or twentieth time. No matter how long between viewings, every time is pure gold. Even the "B movies" are something that can be incredibly rewarding. You can revel in the cheesiness, laugh with the ridiculousness and cry at the heartbreak every time.
So join me for a journey through the films that have found a special place in my heart that is all their own. Some you may have seen, some you may have heard of and others you may wonder what happened to my sanity. Hopefully they will encourage you to revisit your favorites, too.